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FUE vs. Strip Harvesting? Let’s Compare Different Hair Transplant Methods

FUE vs. Strip Harvesting?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Strip Harvesting are two main hair transplant techniques. Both methods differ in their approach and recovery time and have unique advantages and disadvantages. Here's a brief overview of each:

Scalp Micropigmentation Benefits

One of the key benefits of SMP is its versatility. It's suitable for various types of hair loss, including male and female pattern baldness, thinning hair, and alopecia. SMP can also be used to conceal scars from hair transplant surgeries or injuries. This treatment is customizable, allowing clients to choose their desired hairline style and density.

Let’s discuss the harvesting method!

FUE: Extracts individual hair follicles from the donor site using a specialized tool, leaving small, barely noticeable scars.

Strip Harvesting: Removes a scalp strip with multiple follicles, then divides it into follicular units for transplant, resulting in a linear scar.

Are the recoveries the same, or are they different?

FUE: This is considerably less invasive, with quicker healing and minimal discomfort. Wounds heal in a few days.

Strip Harvesting: Involves stitches, longer recovery, and more discomfort. The linear scar heals over weeks.

Which is better, FUE or Strip Harvesting?

Let’s discuss the pros and cons!

FUE: No linear scar, suitable for short hairstyles, faster recovery, and precise follicle selection. Strip Harvesting: More efficient for large areas and generally more cost-effective.

FUE surgery requires skilled surgeons like Dr. Emil George.

Strip Harvesting: Linear scar limits hairstyles, longer healing, discomfort issues, and is less suitable for small or fine hair areas.

How much does it cost?

Budget: Strip Harvesting is often more affordable. At the Scandinavian Hair Institute for a price of ~8,500. You can fly to our headquarters office in Oslo, Norway, stay at our facility, get a FUE hair transplant with Exosomes, and be back home in less than a week, all for about a third of the price.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Schedule a consultation with us today. Dr. Emil George is a US-trained hair restoration surgeon specialist.

Schedule your complimentary hair transplant consultation in Washington D.C., New Jersey, or Philadelphia.

We know how much trust you place in the surgeon you select to perform your hair transplant. We are a highly specialized clinic focused on providing superior hair transplantation services to patients from around the world. Start by scheduling your complimentary consultation today. We will work with you every step of the way to ensure a positive treatment experience and exceptional results.